Monday, May 31, 2010

Show and Tell #2 - Public / Private

These two images depict Jennifer Aniston in both a public and private moment. Due to her status as a actress and is constantly in the limelight, her private moments are most often displayed in gossip magazines and TV shows.

The lines are blurred when people who are usually in the public eye are having private moments such as taking a break and relaxing on the beach.

Assignment #1 - "Group"

This group of photos is a general series of the type of flowers and plants that grow in my garden.

Assignment #1 - "Set"

This set of photos depicts methods and tools that I use to water my garden; from a typical plant watering bucket, to a more intricate irrigation system that branches out to sprinklers and soakers that distribute water through the use of a timer system.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

PC Show & Tell #1

These two images represent the effect of tilt-shift photography that has made it's way into photographer's portfolios and advertising campaigns for such companies as Toys 'R Us (bottom).

Authorship: (top)
using tilt-shift photography, to show that real life architecture can look like toys or models with the right effect.
Formal construction:
taken from bird's eye view and color is saturated or "boosted"
Historic and/or cultural influences:

cityscape, architectural, cultural, tilt shift photography, models

Authorship: (top)
to show photographic techniques and filters
Formal construction:

taken from bird's eye view and color is saturated or "boosted"

Historic and/or cultural influences:

toys, advertising, landscape, surreal

tilt-shift video - AllState commercial Thom Yorke - "Harrowdown Hill" Video